Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Goodbye Deliciousness

So 2 days in to the dairy trial and it would appear that we do not agree. I tried to see it's point of view. I tried to be reasonable with it, then I gave it some space to calm down and now I've tried to reinitiate conversation but it just won't listen. It bites, kicks, punches, screams and down right refuses to have a grown up conversation. So that's it, I'm done negotiating with it.

That means the last two days have been my last days of eating delicious foods like those pictured above. Despite the fact I'm supposed to give it three days, I've realised there's a reaction, I'm not torturing myself for another day.

In other news:

I have my furniture....

...mapped out on the floor in masking tape. STILL waiting to hear when the sofas are being delivered. STILL waiting to hear when our table, chairs and sideboard will be delivered. Freezer *touch wood* arrives on Thursday. One set of bedside tables should be with us before Christmas. The other set we can't order because IKEA Edinburgh don't stock them so they can't be delivered to us and I can't get them delivered to my parents because my billing address doesn't match their postcode and our TV table is going to take 3 months!

One day I'll have some furniture and it'll feel like I live in a real house!

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