Meet OTO my acrobatic camera shy catfish
This is OTO which is short for Otocinclus who is an algae eating catfish who just wouldn't stay still to be photographed.
This was the 28th try at getting him sharp enough.
We now have 2 of these catfish left out of the original 4 but their death rate in the first month is really high, not helped when one if them got his mouth stuck on the filter uptake strainer.
They are bred in the wild in South America and as they are so lively they put cyanide in the water to slow them down so they can catch them so by the time they reach the aquarium they are not in the best of health.
As they only eat algae, and these 2 haven't yet got the taste for algae wafers yet, I was going to go to the river after work to find some stones to grow extra algae for them, however even I'm not that stupid to gather rocks from the river in the heavy rain we've had this afternoon.
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