You know when something serious has happened..... just looking at the face. This is son T today at the school athletics. He was completing his last long jump, which I was photographing, when he fell to the ground in excruciating pain. I had to lend him my crutches to get him up. He heard something 'go' in his hip. Luckily we had a registered nurse at school, so after she examined him, he was taken up to the hospital.

It took 20 minutes to get him out of the car and into the hospital, and the only way they could do it was to get him in a wheelchair. After examination by 3 specialist nurses (we don't have a doctor working on Friday), and a phone call to a Doctor at Nelson Hospital, they think he has strained or torn a muscle from his hip, which will take 2 or 3 weeks to mend.

They gave him some pain medication and sent him home with crutches. The pain has been so bad, that T can't even walk to the toilet, so he now has a wheelchair to get around in. Hopefully he will start feeling better once the medication kicks in....but in the mean time, we now have half our household disabled. Fingers crossed that is it.

Have a look at that face in large - the photo tells it all.

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