
By Houseonahill6

Early in the Morning

I was up early this morning just as the day was dawning and managed to catch a lovely sunrise. Have a look at this video and enjoy the dancing :) The sun was huge and the moon last night shone like headlights through the window.

We drove through sleet, rain and sun to the Puffin Pool this morning. The water was lovely and warm today and so were the changing rooms. They had a biomass system installed last year and it seems to be working well. The carpark has also been enlarged and a nice seating area is being developed. The area of grass outside the doors is filled with daffodils and we have watched them grow over the last few weeks and most are now in bloom.

We went down to the harbour to eat our lunch .Two mallards were walking down the slipway and you could see the female asking if the male was coming in. He said 'you try first and then I'll follow' I saw her dip her foot in. We then drove to the point and it was fun to watch the seagulls riding the wind.

I feel shattered today though, run out of energy so hopefully the sun will shine tomorrow to renew my batteries.

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