
By CoffeePotter

Great British Sewing Bees Knees

Well I never!

Technophobe and I had a super day today at the "Sewing for Pleasure Show" at the NEC. We walked for miles and saw more sewing stuff than you could shake a knitting needle at, and more crafty people than we knew existed.

There were so many things to sew, glue, cut, knit, tat, roll, and stuff that we didn't know if we were coming or going by mid-afternoon. We only wanted things to satisfy our (pretty basic in my case) sewing and knitting needs.

We found countless Bliportunities, and snapped many a snipper and all manner of other things - some of which had quite remote associations with sewing or crafts.

Then we stumbled upon this happy trio. For those of you who watch TGBSB, they need no introduction. They are some of the Queen Bees and the Holy Grail of all things associated with fabric.

Their names (L-R) are Julie, Tamara and Heather (the "Posh Totty). Julie (now eliminated from TGBSB), a Yorkshire lass, said of the other two "It's brought us all together and now we're all great mates. I can't imagine I'd ever have even spoken to these two 'cos they're so posh". They were as they are on TV - utterly charming, down-to-earth, and very smiley.

They stopped and chatted to us for ages, and it rounded off beautifully a really enjoyable day out. We then drove back home - and I'm afraid we were still talking that much that I missed our turning onto the M42. Never mind, we found our way back like a pair of homing pigeons.

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