7 o'clock - tick tock fower

Cars have taken over my day today.

My car went in for a service and came out with an overdraft.

This evening Mr S was picking up the big girls from dancing and his car broke down. Mr S knows nothing about cars, he's just not a car bloke. He barely knows where to put the petrol. I had to go and pick up girls in the rain and phone AA for a jump start.

I cut my teeth on a Crap Vauxhall Chevette - Jamaican Yellow. I even did a car maintenance class at night school! (Induction, Compression, Power, Exhaust). One year - Santa brought me a socket set and feeler gauges (Santa believed in practical gifts in our house when we were growing up!)

Later this evening I was giving No 1 a lift to a party.

Me: " When I bought my first car, I was told - never drive your car without a jacket and money - just in case you break down"

No 1: "Oh ...and you would have brought your phone"

ME : " Mobiles weren't invented then! You used a breakdown phone at the side of the motorway. We had 4 channels to watch on the TV, you rented a TV and Betamax video player from Radio Rentals - and you were NEVER allowed to use the house phone"

No 1 : (shocked) " I forgot your were born in the olden days."


Here we are settling down to watch 'Sport Relief'. Have a great weekend.

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