Not-at-All American Girl

4years 151days

The grin of my cutest mini cheerleader won over a more technically/compositionally pleasing image today. Because this show just how excited Katie was to be a cheerleader for the day. Its "Sports Relief" today - sports related charity events round the country. Katie's nursery asked the children to come in sports clothes. Katie is very sporty, lots of dance, swimming, and running too. But doesnt really have 'sports clothes' that would also have been nursery-suitable. So she decided to go as a cheerleader. This is her mummy-made cheerleader dress, upcycled from a charity shop ladies' teeshirt and a few bits of trim & leftover fabric from her Angel Gabriel dress. She ran the whole way to nursery waving her pompoms (acquired from mummy's props).

They said she was super bouncy at nursery all day. I think her pompoms had something to do with it. She ate a huge tea at home, despite informing me as I cooked "I dont want that green stuff on my pastas...." "thats pesto, you love pesto pasta". "I do Not love pesto pastas"... "Please just try it, because you do like it". "Only if there's no mushrooms"... 2bowls of mushroom-free, additional ham, pesto pasta later.. "I will try mushrooms again tomorrow".

Thank you all so much for the hearts stars and comments on our first staff pick

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