
A crane fly, one of many natives I see here, ranging from very tiny to huge. This is a biggish one. It's body length was about 1.5 cms, wingspan 3.5 cm, and legspan (not straight) was 6 or 7 cm. The legs seem hopelessly long. The fly dangles them when it flies. They come into the house a lot at this time of year. This one is in my kitchen, but my bedroom is a popular place at night. They must be attracted to the warmth as they fly about my face in the dark. The legs tickle my skin.

Today I went to the local A&P* Show. There was the usual show of the latest agricultural machinery, prize animals, vegetables, flowers etc. along with market stalls, sideshows, food tents, chopping competition and of course the horse show. I really wanted to look at the photography competition. I used to win prizes before I went digital. I was wondering if digital is allowed yet, but I think from the photos that they are still sticking with film.

I took my camera, but didn't get it out of the bag. Most of the shots I would like to have taken involved children, which would have got me into strife. There were amazing activities for children. The best was a bungee plus trampoline that hurled the kids high in the air. Among the modern activities was an old fashioned merry-go-round with plain wooden horses and 1940s farm tractor seats. Suddenly I saw the name Sturgeon and gasped. Was it really? Oh, yes it was! The very same merry-go-round that I rode when I was a child. I would loved to have taken photos of it, but there were children on it.

* Agricultural and Pastoral

Edit: I went to the Show late, after the Grand Parade. It seemed quieter than usual, and the equestrian events, that go on from dawn to dusk, did not provide the background bustle that is part of the Show. Later I learned that a rider was thrown by her horse, which may have had a heart attack. The young woman sustained a serious head injury. First aid help was on the scene and the rescue helicopter was called. Four days later she was still in hospital, but described as comfortable. Sadly, the horse had to be put down, but one good thing came out of the accident. The rescue helicopter had an information and fund-raising tent at the Show and it received a large number of donations.

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