The James River

This river was originally named the Powhatan River for the chief of the Powhatan Confederacy in the Tidewater Region of Virginia. In 1607, it was the entry point for the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. The colonists named this settlement Jamestown and renamed the river after King James the First of England.

On Sunday morning, Bob and I drove to Jamestown, only to discover that a bridge was out on the route we had chosen. We never made it to Jamestown, so we will have to come back for another visit. However, the route that led us to the "bridge that wasn't there", turned out to be a beautiful drive alongside the James River through a park that was almost completely empty except for us, two bicyclists, and two or three other vehicles. We also saw these birds, floating on an inlet. I think they are loons, something we don't see in our part of Ohio. It was truly a serendipitous adventure.

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