
Audrey the Meerkat waiting for her Dad to come home (as was I by this point, exhausted doesn't even cover it!) Back to being tired all the time (that monthly pattern continues). Doesn't matter how much sleep I have (9 hours last night), I can't seem to shake it.

In other, non moan-related news, I finished my new business proposal today and dispatched it to the potential client. Unfortunately I was working in a cafe when they called me to discuss it an hour later which meant I had to take the phone outside (to avoid the loud jazz music blaring out of the speakers). Didn't have chance to grab my coat so stood freezing in the park talking it through. It was a comedy of errors with dogs barking, vans reversing and babies crying all around me!! Not very professional.

My Dad built Audrey a water table while he was here today (right pig of a job by the sounds of it) and after they'd gone, we set it up with toys in the garden. She loved it. I can foresee hours of fun ahead this summer!

Took her to Chorlton Park for a quick twenty minutes in the playground. She's become so proficient with the slide in there that I don't even have to help her anymore. Stood there proudly videoing it!

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