Ups and downs

Audrey has become really frightened of the bath (pictured). It's been a few nights now and it started when she had a toilet accident in there last week. She seems to have developed some form of post-traumatic stress and literally cries the minute you put her near it and mentions "said incident". Which is a shame as she loves the bath normally. I hope this will pass. It usually does.

Measles outbreak at nursery so all the nursery staff are on high alert. They had tried to get hold of me this afternoon (but had called my old phone so I didn't get the call) as Audrey was off again. I think they suspect she is coming down with it. She'd had no sleep and was very clingy. Again she perked up when I got there though.

I do see what they mean as there is definitely something not right with her but it's a strange one, I can't fathom what is wrong. No sign of any proper rash (yet). She was happy as a bird this morning and had a great day with the Gagas yesterday. Conjunctivitis all cleared up today top.

She was tired tonight but not terrible. Got her "kind of" bathed early and tucked up in bed. It's just us tomorrow so really want her sorted so we can have a nice day. Here's hoping!

I met a woman walking her dog in Chorlton Park yesterday. She pulled me on one side and told me that her daughter (now twenty) and her don't get on. And that I should enjoy every moment with Audrey while she's young as it goes to fast. Despite all the ups and downs (and illnesses) I do keep trying to hold onto these moments as I am aware she is growing up so fast.

In other news, I had another new business meeting today which was very positive. Another proposal to write but this one feels hopeful and I really like the potential client so quite excited.

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