at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Trainee teaching assistant

' okay daddy, you read out the numbers and I'll double check the maths with my calculator!'

Another of those days where I suddenly realises at 5pm that I've been so busy doing stuff I've not actually gone to the loo all day.

This morning was another breast feeding peer supporter training- juggling looking at slides of damaged nipples with trying to catch a crawling ivy before she dismantled the microphone. I need to sort out cables and stuff in our house now she can move- it's going to be a case of either sending ivy to a child minder for a few days or begging my mother to come stay for a few days whilst I organise.

After a hasty lunch and a change we went to Gaelic toddlers. Lisa who runs it had the children outside today rolling balls down guttering. Ivy was sitting on my coat watching till she decided to go for a crawl on the damp grass. I know babies are sometimes wary of grass- glad fearless ivy isn't. I had a job interview in the school this afternoon, I thought playing in front of the interview Room, in my interview suit was hilarious.

Ivy isn't quite herself today, she has Random moments of unconsolable high pitched screaming. I think either teething or a bug is to blame. The plan was I would leave her with Elena at 3 to go for my interview that was at 3.15, but at 2.30 ivy started screaming. Honestly, it was bad I considered not even going to the interview and taking her home. Thankfully she fell asleep so I could sneak off.

Interview I feel went okay, though I didn't get the job. I'm actually rather Pleased not to have it, I was in two minds wether to apply at all. I enjoy being at home with my little girl, and our afternoon walks and my veg growing. I'd haved liked to be back in the school, but really I think it was too early to leave ivy.

I was certainly more relaxed in this interview than last and I think I gave a better representation of my own teaching style and my educational beliefs - but I did really mess up two answers. The feedback I got on my interview seemed really positive. So I'm pleased with myself.

Rather ironically though, got Home and checked my emails to find that 3 out of the 4 in the higher class want to come see me about their extended essays - so tonight I'll be looking at the arrangement documents just as if I had got the job

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