From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh I wish I was a bird!

Firstly, I haven't seen any hunky men working on the road opposite A Haven. I got dressed up to the nines and practised my best 'stop a clock' smile before I drew the curtains this morning just in case. I'm exaggerating which is just as well! There was a lollypop man aged about 200, helping kiddies cross the road on the way to school but that was it. Sigh!

Anyway, I was first down to the breakfast room and was greeted by David, cheerful as always. I decided to be adventurous and have haggis with my egg, bacon and tomato while I was eating my corn flakes. I'd had it once before, last September and had quite liked it. I wasn't disappointed and enjoyed it even more this time. The only other person down for breakfast was a man from Seattle. David involved me in the conversation telling me that the man was moving to Edinburgh in 6 weeks time. He worked for Amazon and had just said to his boss that he fancied a transfer to somewhere in Europe and his boss had said 'OK! How about virtually the same job based in Edin-BURROW?' ----- lots of American people pronounce it like that. It drives me wild and I don't mean 'wild' in a good way!

I decided to let him live and wished him well meeting his new boss who was going to be driving him around and asking him where he wanted to live. Sigh!

Oh well. I watched half of Jeremy Kyle and then headed out into brilliant sunshine, caught the number 11 up the hill and then trundled up to the Museum of Scotland to visit Dolly the Sheep. I went up to the roof too and got some lovely shots. Next, I went to my favourite place to visit - Camera Obscura on The Royal Mile. I went straight up to the roof to get it over with, died on a bench for 5 minutes to get over the climb and then went outside to take pictures. I just love it up there.

It must be fantastic to be a seagull or a pigeon in Edinburgh. The ones I saw just looked at me curiously as they hopped from roof to roof. I'm sure they knew I was envious of their lifestyle. Today's picture is just one of the many I took from the Camera Obscura roof, looking back over towards the Scott Monument and the Firth of Forth.

I went in for the show but pretended I hadn't been before. I could have done it myself to be honest I have done it so many times. I went back downstairs afterwards calling in at the floor with the holograms. They are wonderful and I have a picture of my favourite one as my phone picture. I took it years ago.

Rather than walk back down the Royal Mile again, I cut back down to the top of the Mound and then avoided the steep Playfair Steps down to Princes Street and instead walked across the Waverley Bridge in front of the station (quickly) and then jumped on a bus up to the Ocean Terminal. I had a late lunch there and finally got back to A Haven at about 6pm. I shall head out again soon for dinner. I fancy pizza tonight!

Track? I don't know why but I have had this one going through my head for most of the day - Sloe Gin

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