Choo choo

Dex finally has a place where he can leave his train tracks set up all the time - woohoo!

It took me a good hour this morning building this with him (although he helped in the loosest sense!) and I was really chuffed with myself as I managed to use every piece. I took a photo so that I could remember how I did it if I'm honest!

I also went for a 60 min run this morning which turned out to be a 2 and a half hour run as I got hopelessly lost. I didn't have my phone or water and I hadn't eaten as I didn't think I'd be so long. Hubby was worried and at one point I got really upset as I just couldn't seem to make my way back home but some lovely ladies pointed me in the right direction after many 'ooo-la-la's' and 'c'est loin!'

Friends came over for a visit this afternoon to inspect our new home and then we wondered into town for lunch which was lovely.

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