The new routine

Today was a big day as we all have to get used to a new routine. As we live further away from work now and we have to hit the ring road we have to leave much earlier than before. Olivia was the big worry as she doesn't usually wake up until approx. 8am but we managed to wake her earlier and everything was laid out in military fashion (we even have two sets of tooth brushes and toothpaste so the kids don't have to go back upstairs and then get distracted by toys etc!). It all went like clockwork and to top it off we were greeted by this beautiful sunrise (I took this photo from one of the back windows).

When I collected Dexter after school he told me in a very excited and loud voice: "I like school now Mummy!" to which there were lots of giggles from the adults. Dex was always very reluctant to go to the creche and it continued with school so I have no idea what happened today but I am relieved!

So far so good.

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