Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Night Gallery

Another last minute shot! Ugh! I am not too pleased with this shot, but I really liked the cloud movement over the city tonight. I also liked the city lights reflecting off the lower clouds.

Actually, I was planning to blip one of several portraits that I took this evening. I went to a dinner with some friends and their friends tonight. One of my friends asked if I would take some photos of the evening, which I happily agreed to do. As I was taking pictures, several of the ladies asked if I would not take their pictures. Out of curiosity, I asked them "why?". Most said that they didn't like having their picture taken because they were never happy with the result. This prompted further discussion. One lady asked me if I liked having my picture taken. I had to be honest and say that I preferred to be on the other side of the camera. She then replied that if I wanted to be a better photographer, particularly of people, that I needed to examine my own misgivings. She went on to say that perhaps when I felt completely comfortable on both sides of the camera would I be able to put my subjects at ease as they were in front of the camera. Hmmmm . . . I've never thought of this before, but perhaps she is right.

With tomorrow being the last day of the March Wednesday Portrait challenge, I am very challenged with her comments.

As always, your comments are very welcome.

Have a great Wednesday!

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