A heart warming moment

Dexter now has his own bedroom to sleep in which was initially exciting for him and very exciting for Olivia as she also gets to have her own room. However recently Dex has been more difficult to settle as he claims that there are monsters in his room and that he doesn't like being on his own. We have tried all sorts to reassure him and he has some special magical toys protecting him through the night which seem to do the trick. However when I went up to check on them before I went to bed this evening I found Dex in Olivia's bed fast asleep which was a bit of a shock but oh so sweet! They looked so content that we decided to leave them until the morning.
When I questioned Olivia the next day she had (unbeknown to us) told Dexter that if he felt scared he could come into her bed for a cuddle which he duly did! She then read to him and then turned off the light when Dex had fallen asleep. I do love these kids so much but I guess getting Dex back into his own bed is going to be a bit trickier from now on!

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