Tu Whit...

Tu whoooo.

No 3 loves owls.

She is gradually accumulating a selection of owl things...hot water bottles, money boxes, cushions, lights....and now she has a new duvet cover and curtains !

Although the amount of cursing and swearing that Mr S did trying to put up a curtain rail would scare fluffy creatures for miles. He doesn't do DIY.

Post Childbirth (for No 3) the midwife asked Mr S if he would like to cut the chord. "No....no .. don't let him, " said I, "....I could lose a LEG!!!" (true story!)

After sweating over 7 screws, I wasn't his favourite person when I said 4 of the screws had to come out and move another 2 inches.

But we got there in the end. Mind you - I haven't told him that he still has to put up the track for the curtain valance tomorrow!

Fingers crossed No 3 will sleep better in the mornings as the sun can wake her very early !

Night Night campers.

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