Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Under the weather...

Not a good start to the morning. Seems 2/3 daughters don't think I'm contributing enough to the household I left them to it ....and ....well ...left !

I left them to make their own breakfast, left them to be taken to dancing by Mr S, left them to tidy up, left them to shop and make lunch.... I just left !

I remember me mum throwing a 'huff' one day because we didn't 'help out enough' and were 'treating the place like a hotel' and 'treating her like a skivvy' - and she was probably right too ! (Wish I could tell her that now) - she put her coat on and stormed out the house.

Being an evil wee minx - I decided to follow her and see where she went ! I thought it was a great game - hiding behind trees etc. Turned out she walked the length of the village, sat down and discovered she had fogotten her walked back to the neighbour's house - where she was given a whisky and lemonade and a cigarette and someone to listen to her.

Where did I go? Actually, although I ran away - I STILL ended up doing chores. Looking for curtain tracks for No 3's new curtains, and books for No 2's English exam.

I also bought a knitting pattern and some purple Aran wool ! When I got home I sat my big fat bum on the settee at home and stayed there until bed time.

I went on strike !

P.S. No 2 is a wee bit under the weather - and insisted on sharing my personal space!

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