wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


As a child I always hated the Wizard of Oz. I thought it was scary and creepy. When I read the original Oz books by Frank Baum I was enthralled by them. When I found the Wicked and son of a Witch series I was again totally into them. But the movie? Not so much.
I took numerous pictures tonight. At the end it was right before I got into the car that I took this photograph of the cobblestones street.
It reminded me of the paths we take.

In my life lately I have watched a friend go down a wrong path. You can't help. You can't stop them it's like watching a car wreck. She feels that she is completely on the right path. The rest of us know this is the path of self destruction. So I watch day after day as she loses just a little more of her self respect and her self control. I can't help her any more. I guess just wait until she reaches the bottom. Unfortunately emotional shit storms are hard to watch. Much less be in the middle of them.

So I looked at these cobblestones in the rain. I opted for a filter. I want this path to be a good one. A path with light and happy thoughts. I will let the dark path be her journey. At this point I don't know if I will be at the end or not. At my age, I am a bit more realistic.
Yet still hold on to the dream of the yellow brick road.

I had a great time with two friends tonight. We laughed and ate and drank and enjoyed each other. I will not give up a relationship with one for another. A true friend would not make that request. A decent friend would not insist on it. A sane person would not become obsessed with it.
In the end my own yellow brick road is in front of me. Want to come with me? Oh wait, this is my journey. But......I'll share my stories!!!

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