Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Uninspired blip

I had great plans for today. I was going to get up early, take my camera, tripod and heels of bread along the canal and get myself some pretty pictures. That didn't happen and then the light went down and now I'm stuck for a blip. My fairy lights are too big for my tiny tree so it only looks good when out of focus as you see the flare of lights and not the lights themselves. So instead I've blipped the berries and ivy that are adorning my mantlepiece.

Maybe tomorrow I'll make it to the canal, along with finishing the DIY, tidying, dusting, making mincemeat and shouting at someone from ikea.

In other news:

A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to look at my blip yesterday and comment. I've tried to get round and thank everyone individually but I'm sorry if I missed anyone.

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