Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sleepy sleepy

Well it was pouring down with rain so I didn't get to the canal for duck shots. On the plus side though, 3 phone calls to IKEA later and my sofas are now in Edinburgh! Yay! Though they won't be delivered until Monday (a month later than originally promised.

I was planning on blipping the scary santa at ASDA when we went shopping but thankfully someone had killed him. Well either that or they sold out but at £80 they were too scary for me to believe that!

Some of you may remember I went for a sleep study back in June. Well it turned out they couldn't get enough info from it so I'm to stay in overnight in January. Until then I have to keep a sleep diary. I get each day divided in to hourly slots for awake time and sleep time and I get to record everything I do. Sounds fun doesn't it? Recording every time you eat and do exercise, well there's good motivation to snack less and do more.

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