
By SLPlearning

The Courage of the Creative

I spent the day with some of my learners' forum writing a grant application to develop creativity and self esteem in the people we work with. It was quite a fun application to write and we had lots of ideas rushing around whilst identifying the needs of our group.

Where do we start? .....There are so many needs ... said one of the group, so we took a little time out to think about the important things that being creative gives us. I had a few bits of art lying around in the office from yesterday and we had a look at it all. The group loved the Mark Rothko prints too and decided my blip for today should be a reflection of yesterday's.

By Herman Melville

In placid hours well-pleased we dream
Of many a brave unbodied scheme.
But form to lend, pulsed life create,
What unlike things must meet and mate:
A flame to melt—a wind to freeze;
Sad patience—joyous energies;
Humility—yet pride and scorn;
Instinct and study; love and hate;
Audacity—reverence. These must mate,
And fuse with Jacob’s mystic heart,
To wrestle with the angel—Art.

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