To done!

Today had all the makings of a disaster. I'd arranged to meet a good friend for lunch, I wanted to swim and I needed to get away in good time to get to Manchester to go to a gig with the Minx. BUT on top of that manageable list of things to do, I needed to write a couple of documents for work, from scratch.

I woke with a fear of my own procrastination but, actually, after brewing up a load of coffee in my new moka pot I surprised myself by settling down to work, listening to the The Tallis Scholars and not getting distracted by email, Twitter, books within easy reach of my desk, and household chores that suddenly acquired great urgency.

I finished in time to get in a very enjoyable swim, followed by lunch at the Royal. Both lunch and the company were excellent and I found myself suddenly at risk of not doing my afternoon's work but, once again, upon returning to my desk I found myself possessed by a new industry, which I rather hope is here to stay! And once that was done, I headed off to Manchester to meet the Minx and get to our gig, which, at some point, you'll be able to read about here.

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