at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Obsessive compulsive hoarder

Ivy was hilarious this evening! She skyped her Granny-Grant and Pops (though she refused to show off her amazing apricot eating skills) and after she played about on the floor. She gathered up all the things she wanted to play with in a pile, and kept dragging new things onto the pile- she even found a pen under the sofa to put on top. In the end she had a paper bag, a bib, car keys, an apricot, an empty lentil crisp packet (so much tastier than normal crisps) her skirt, a car seat toy, a pen and a receipt.

I took her up to her room to put the washing away and she attempted the same thing, but she got herself totally stuck under her cot.

She's been in a very funny mood the past few days, not sleeping well at night or napping during the day and not drifting off to sleep whilst eating. Today she's been screaming inconsolably during a feed and I don't think she's taken much milk. Suspect moving teeth are to blame.

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