Doc McStuffin

Look at my fabulous jimmy jams. I love Doc McStuffin, my grandma got my amazing jammies. I insisted on having them on tonight.

I was not very happy at getting woken up very early this morning. I was very sleepy at breakfast. Just managed my milk then a banana and that was it. These clocks changing, have thrown my routine right out the window. Needless to say come bed time I had a huge tantrum, a big cry and scream, before giving up, lying down and going to sleep. Mummy was seemingly sat watching me the whole time on my monitor, mmm she didn't come get me though, I suppose I was tired......

I was at my childminders today. My best friend lewis was there. We had great fun, playing at the park, making some crafts and playing with the pram.

I have had an eating day today. I had all my meals and snack, I then finished mummy lunch which I found in her work bag, this included a quarter of a big bagel, blueberries and 3 huge juicy strawberries. I then had half a chicken burger, which was mummy's dinner.

Before bed I helped my big sister make her Easter bonnet. Mummy said she might try to make me a mini one. I hope she does as it looks really good.

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