Too Dark for Sticks?

Yap it was getting that way and The Boss was not cooperating with the project either being distracted with this sky. For myself a bit brighter would have been
better and a couple of times I think I picked up the wrong one “Cos it just didn’t have The Boss’s hand in it.
But as they say in that land South of the Canny Scotch fellow “Mustn’t Grumble” so I won’t.
There was some really alarming for humans and OK for dogs news today. There is a McDonalds coming to Wanaka….Yeah Right and what’s the date Mr Postman???
There have been some really grrreat April Fool jokes pulled in the last few years by the Major newspaper based in Dunedin but widely distributed around Otago. Some of the front page photo’s have almost caused heart attacks before the readers got the date bit right. The Boss recons the best was when there was a photo on the front page showing a huge Tenders required sign on our lakeside (and never to be touched) park. Even The Boss and half the town got taken by that one which was shoot first and ask questions later.
Have you noticed that dogs don’t do practical jokes? We are just too smart for this kind of behaviour and besides most of the joke shops won’t sell plastic poo to a dog. They probably wouldn't gift wrap it either.

Even darker

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