Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Hairy chops ... And the dogs ...

Look at these little faces ... These are my new 'customers '.. Max is the golden pooch and Milly is his chum... Max is a recent rescue from Dogs Trust and his manners are a bit wayward as he was neglected but his new owners are on the case and in just 5 days since I first went to be interviewed by the pooches he has come on leaps and bounds !

It's Mr W and mine wedding anniversary today .. 8 years married but 19 as a couple .. Poor bloke ...
To be honest we don't even send each other cards as last year I asked if it was ok to stop .. It's stupid ... I live with him... What's the point giving him a card and wasting paper when I can just say 'happy anniversary dear heart' ... Of course I don't care if other people but cards for their spouses but what I do care about is when people say they think it's strange we don't do it .. Of course I could now do one if my monumental rants but I am watching The Widower and I need to listen ...

Also I am jolly upset ... The exchange student has gone and she cried and I cried and Lucy had a cry and I miss her already :-(

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