
4years 162days

Thank you all so very much for your lovely wishes for my wee girl the past few days. She is definitely on the mend. Not there yet. Each day involves a few fits of coughing, and the nights generally involve a bit more than that. Sunday night was awful. A second low point really. But it's been upwards since then. She's been home with Mama the last couple of days, and I think at least tomorrow she will be too.

We had a leisurely morning - she did some beautiful colouring, she took some toys out to play in the sunshine for a while, she had brunch. She thinks the word brunch is hilarious. Grandad introduced it to her. She loves it. I did a bit of sewing while she chattered to me. Early afternoon she decided she wanted to go out for a bit. She asked to take her scooter and go to the park. I suggested we go to a different one to the usual park, which meant the one that was our old "usual" park!

She was really excited to go out. Particularly as going to the chosen park meant scooting past the back of nursery - past the playgrounds. She climbed onto a post to wave to her friends. The park was a nice time. They have a new seesaw and Katie tried the skate park ramp with her scooter for the first time. She did some climbing of a part that she doesnt normally manage. She enjoyed what she did, but didnt last long before asking to go home.

We spent a nice time in her playroom building a wooden stable set that has been waiting to be fully assembled since we moved in. Granny and Grandad arrived just as this was being finished, so her and Grandad spent ages up there playing.

She managed to hold out until the end of her bedtime story tonight. Her eyes were closed as we said our bedtime prayer.

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