National DIY day

3 years 162days

I heard today that Easter Monday is the day on which Britons sustain more DIY-related injuries than any other day of the year. Because it's the biggest DIY day of the year, no doubt. Thankfully, neither Katie nor I were part of those statistics for 2013. In fact none of my crew of 5 (including Katie) were injured. There were a lot of paint splats. A few words of frustration. Katie was absolutely brilliant. We had major major work to do in the new studio today and she was utterly fabulous. She played happily for a while before she got stuck in. She got her brush and did some fabulous painting. She painted a monkey complete with filtrum. But also did some enthusiastic "proper" wall painting. She has the paint flecks in her hair to prove it.

In an effort to ensure she didnt get bored of it though, granny and grandad kindly offered to come and take her out for a few hours. They had a walk out to the ducks, then walked into town for a long leisurely lunch. Katie got a pretty new cardigan before they went to a little park. Where apparently "Katie went on everything at least six times". They arrived back to the studio just as we were tidying up to go as we reached a point where everything needed to dry. Especially the painted floor. Always a little bit of an issue in terms of doing anything further!

Since we arrived home, she has taken all her mini chocolate eggs and done herself several egg hunts. I have offered, however she likes doing that bit of the project equally to the finding!

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