Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

We finally caught the bus into Hitchin today. The bus stop is right across from our house so we have vaguely figured buses out watching them go by. We caught the number 72 and were there so quickly, we stopped maybe twice to let people off. The only drawback was the price...£3.50! For a 10 minute journey.

Anyway we got there and went into a lovely little "no touch" shop. Amelie didn't quite get that I was allowed to touch and she wasn't. I was told off a couple of times! Then we picked up all our holiday toiletries in Boots and stopped for a quick snack in Starbucks. One more mission to complete - picking up the euros - and it was time to work out which bus to get home.

We ended up on the little bus going home which was £1 cheaper...and it took us on a bit of a ride around the countryside. Every time I thought "surely we are going to turn in the right direction towards home" it took another little detour! Some lovely little villages and I saw loads of dream houses!

So we eventually got home and they had lunch. I did some France packing and dyed my hair when Chris got in (although it's sad times when you dye to get rid of greys rather than just for fun!)

It's been taking ages to get the little munchkins to sleep at the moment, not sure if it's clock change related? Or developmental in Isaacs case? He's been doing so much walking, absolutely love seeing him toddle about! He's also got lots more words (well, more sounds he repeats rather than very clear words) yesterday he was shouting WAR at the window when the cars went past. He holds his hands up to his ear when you say "hello" (like he's on the phone), he blows on his hot food and he can follow simple instructions. I feel like he's just had a massive jump from baby to boy...ahh!

Anyway they are asleep and we have just had baked Camembert for tea and are watching some Breaking Bad.

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