Peruvian Oca Tubers..

..arrived a couple of days ago. Got them here. They are a legume (will fix Nitrogen in the soil), and will be planted with the peas and beans. They can be used as new potatoes, having a sharp lemon taste when young, but sweetening a few weeks after digging up. Or grated raw in salads. They produce lots of foliage through the year, but only start producing tubers late in the autumn. Once the foliage has died down and gone "slimey", it's then time to dig them up.. This is a test season to see how they do up here, and then hopefully plant a larger area next year. These have been potted up, and will be planted out at the end of the month..

Fine start to the day, but heavy rain through the afternoon, and now brightened up again. Been in the shed, and finished the stairs to the hayloft. Quite pleased. Now to finish the rest of the pointing, and build baseboards for the trains.. My Sunday jobs!!

Tanni hasn't jumped up at anyone today!

Music, feel like a bit of Manfred Mann's Earthband today..

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