Fairy Pools and Glen Brittle

Another iconic Skye image for you today.

We walked from the Glen Brittle car park up past the fairy pools to the Corrie at the foot of the Black Cuillins, I would liked to have had all day with camera and tripod on the way up because the waterfalls were great set against such a dramatic backdrop. However family pressures and the reality of the situation prevented it. By the reality I mean this pressure, I knew this place was well known but wait a minute it's very early in the year yet!! I saw things up here that should be on the cat walk including high heeled boots that had to be seen to be believed, no wonder there are accidents. Also saw 2 people swimming in the burn higher up it was Baltic!!

My two children walked very well especially my 7 year old as he only complained when lunch was served late and he'd run out of energy. Everybody is quiet in this house tonight.

Thanks so much to everyone for all the fab comments on yesterdays blip which is now my most liked photo of all time on blip and has been sitting on top of the spotlight all day. The top of the spotlight is a first for me so thank you very much.

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