bucks life

By bucksmiss

New home

I've had the most wonderful day. After a quick visit to Stony for a few jobs I sped over to Edgcott to meet C, who was meeting their architect at the house they're hoping to buy to discuss remodelling and extensions.

I was half an hour early so toured a bit of the area, which is largely unknown to me and very pretty. There are lots of low lying pasture areas dotted with lovely green hills here and there. I took a walk around the church and spotted their new house through the churchyard hedge and got today's blip. I love the fact that they have lambs in the adjoining field, lucky things.

C spent an hour with the architect while I played with Teddy (who was very smelly but in good form nonetheless) and got to know the agent who had to hang around. It turns out he used to live in my village and still owns a flat just down the road in what used to be the village shop when I was a girl. Small world.

We then went to another pretty village called Brill for lunch at an impressive pub perched on the top of a hill next to a beautiful old windmill and with fabulous views for miles and miles. We took a magical mystery tour to Waddesdon Manor with loads of detours owing to road works. No bad thing as it was really stunning countryside to explore. However, we missed the 'closed' sign at the gate so ended up miles up a drive in front of locked gates. Drat.

Plan B was a trip to Claydon House, an 18th rococo house built to rival Stowe, with a Florence Nightingale connection. We wandered round the grand rooms til Teddy got hungry, then had tea and mooched through the gallery and pottery shops.

After a quick bit of food shopping, I managed to get home before the lodger so commandeered the kitchen at long last and have just enjoyed salmon, pea, cream and vermouth pasta with kale and all without a recipe (unusual for me). It was delicious if I say so myself!

I've got to go to a PCC meeting later, which I could do without, but I must...

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