Telling the story ....

This fantastic knitted scene of The last Supper or Passover Feast is in the window of our local barber's shop and it makes a big change from all the chocolate eggs, fluffy chicks and furry rabbits that seem to adorn most other shop fronts in the lead up to Easter. This is part of the real Easter story! The window has been scratched sadly, so the picture is a bit 'mufti'.

Apparently there is a knitting club that meets every Thursday in Starbucks in the high street and they made this. Starbucks also hosts a NCT group and I'm afraid I avoid their mornings when I am around, as the shop is FULL of buggies, babies and toddlers!

And later this afternoon I enjoyed a walk with my sister and the rugby pitch lake is definitely reducing, though leaving lots of mud and green slime in its wake. UGH!

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