Free flowing at last....

What a beautiful day it has been! What a huge difference sunshine makes and today the cold wind of yesterday had gone and the temperature was surely above average for April. Fantastic. My washing dried in a few hours and smelt wonderful when I brought it in. Yes? You know what I mean?

I began the day having coffee with a the friend whose garden was so badly hit by the local flooding recently. It has had massive excavations courtesy of the Environment Agency and although it is still far from back to normal, there is a huge improvement. This stream which runs along the back of the garden has been dredged and the bed lowered by over a metre and this has increased the flow of drainage from the rugby pitch lake. In June, the bank of soil removed from the stream will be turfed and become a wild flower haven in the years to come. My friend will remain on the case until this promise comes to fruition! I KNOW she will have her dream come true!

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