Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The art of jaw

Dic Def Jaw vb US informal to talk for a long time:
"He was jawing away to his girlfriend for hours on the phone".

The Dizzle got a new bed at the weekend and got his mates to come in and see his elevated position (it's much higher off the floor and all the better for it). As you can see they are having a good old jaw.

Very long day in the office (7am until 6.45pm) but productive and more sociable than usual. Very determined to get ahead and as I have a day working at home tomorrow I have the chance to catch up without interruption.

Also counting calories again as I reckon I am about 3kg overweight if the Healthy Choices BMI calculator is anything to go by. I once lost three and a half stone in four months so a bit of will power should see me able to do this quite quickly.

So for the record: 93.8 Kg yesterday (I'm 6'3" so it isn't as bad as it sounds). I'm going for a target weight of 88kg by midsummer's eve. Recommended calorie intake is between 2,300 and 2,900 so I am going to try 2,000 a day by way of a diet.

So for me the art of jaw is ... well, less by mouth ...

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