Birthday Fun

Eco son was 14 today, his choice of party was a paintball party.

Morning started with Juno walk, fog still hanging around and it made for a spooky walk, ny night vision is getting better and i can still bag the poos with a combination of scent and vision.

The views not as spectular as yesterday, thanks for all the comments.

Back to a sleepy house to start breakfast for the 6 lads off to paintball, trying to chat to teenagers is quite interesting, everything is shortened like text, I was lost and had to work out what they were talking about using snippets.

Dropped off the boys and back to take the school girls team to play a game of football. Eco daughter played very well with her pal the the goalie keeping a clean sheet we won a very tight game, well done girls.

Then it was back to pick up the boys, 6 teenage boys running around all day in overalls though mud made for a pleasant aroma in the car on the way home, one of them had the cheek to open a window. Made tea for them all and sat down.

Eco mum out with the ladies tonight so making jam and jelly to avoid trash tv.

Manged to make plum jam and started the damson jelly, homemade christmas gifts.

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