
Hello from Chichester!

Having been given the wonderful gift for Christmas of tickets to the Goodwood Revival weekend in September, finding accommodation for that weekend is proving a real challenge! Someone didn't get on the case soon enough....

And having decided that maybe the best solution was to walk the streets of Chichester and knock on the doors of all possible B&B's/hotels in person, we have had no joy so far! However the manager at Cote where we ate this evening was VERY helpful and provided a list of addresses. So tonight has been spent getting phone numbers ready for calls in the morning.

Before dinner we visited the cathedral and I took several shots, but there were too many verticals and the building looked decidedly crooked, but this cheeky gargoyle made me smile and tells a story of the day ....and hopefully better luck tomorrow!

PS.Fri am. IF anyone out there in blipland can help, we would be extremely happy people. D has a 1965 Riley 1.5 which he would love to take but it may overheat in long queues so he is hoping for somewhere not too far away from the venue! I have a fixed smile on my face as we make our calls, but the weather is beautiful so we will make the most of the day, whatever. Thank you!

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