The (not so) jetset

Don't let anyone tell you that travelling for work is all glamour. Just look at those faces! Granted, some of them are just waiting for flights for holidays or to go home, but airports are universally depressing places whether it's business or pleasure aren't they? Air conditioning too high, bing bong announcements and bad coffee in a nutshell.

I had one of those horrible nights you have before a flight last night where I woke every hour (or so it seemed). Got up before my alarm at 5am and shuffled round the house in the cold and the dark before my taxi came.

Flew to Dublin via Ryanair and lost count how many times I was offered a scratchcard.

Then a taxi for a 20min ride to my client's hotel and another taxi to the offices we were pitching at.

The pitch went well thankfully and we are confirmed for a May start-date. The team we will be working with seemed lovely. Left with bags of chocolates (the product we will be promoting) and got a lovely text in the 100 Euro taxi (ouch) back to the airport that read "The MD loved you and the Marketing Director wants your wardrobe!!" So that was nice as post-work pitch text messages go!

Angus picked me up from the airport and his parents bathed Audrey. I managed a cuddle before bed as got home just in time which was lovely.

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