Hurry up daddy

Odd day
Charlotte has been grumpy / out of sorts / exceedingly cuddly / extremely independent.

I headed to the hospital this morning.
Frustrating visit as didn't really find out anything or get anywhere....
Daddy took Munchie swimming.

Charlotte slept

We had lunch together then headed to soft play. Great fun but think daddy was knackered after it! We had planned to go the local two for one pub for an early tea, forgetting there was an Ocado order coming. Hasty change of plan to unhealthy tea at McDonald's.
Charlotte enjoyed it which is all that really matters.

Bedtime tonight was fraught. She seems to go from being very tired to hyper within about thirty seconds, once we have hit hyper it all goes wrong. Iggle piggle needs bouncing, Makka pakka is in the wrong place, cat needs a blanket, books need to be strategically placed on the carpet....... The list goes on! This is usually followed by total meltdown some thirty minutes later which I found so sad tonight / tears were pouring down her face, she just wanted hugs.

I've just been in to see her, she's flat on her back, arms up behind her head, snoring. X

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