
Today was a good day, even though I missed Munchie ten out of ten today.
She chatted all the way to nursery this morning and went into the room on her own this morning, she's not done this for weeks.
I headed home via 101 jobs / chores and then got my head around some planning for next term.
Grandma arrived to take me out for lunch / it felt very odd going out for lunch without Charlotte.
Collecting Charlotte was super, she was so happy to see grandma!

Tea time, Charlotte polished off the leftover pasta and meatballs from yesterday's play date. Orange face attack. She then insisted that she had the big spoon to feed herself her yogurt!
I couldn't resist compiling this collage of tea time.

(It made me think of you meeshj and when you said about wait till Charlotte is covered in bolognaise) x

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