Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Cable Network

Heading down the highway after a respectful visit to the cemetry and precious moments spent with Pauline and GK at this difficult time, I happily snapped away at anything and everything in my path!

Sifting through them on my return home I was struck by this particular shot of these high voltage electricity cables criss- crossing the highway, between the lamposts!!

On the extreme right is the elevated track of the metro, (even closer to the cables) can you believe!

We must have passed under these hundreds of times without giving them a second thought but somehow today, they stuck out like a sore thumb!

Can't imagine what would happen if one of them snapped and ended up on the 7 lane highway which is never free of traffic. I think we have just come to accept pylons criss-crossing this city as the norm. They wend their way through housing communities, industrial areas, parks and motorways.

Maybe we ought to be doing something about them before a real crisis develops!

Food for thought!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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