12th April

I have spent the day today exactly the same as I spent the twelfth April for the last six years, making biscuits and a cake all ready for Will's birthday tomorrow. Happily it's a Saturday this year so some good sitting down and reading the paper too. Oh and Will and I went to town to get his body weight in sweets ( decorations for two cakes and party bags) and new trainers for him.

I should have gone running today, I haven't been since Monday. But I am very tired and weary and am going to leave it until Tuesday, after the Big Day and the Big Party. This is the beauty of entering myself into this crazy run. Without it I would likely just drop it all now. But I have the Fear And Terror (FAT) so will push on through on Tuesday. I have the whole week off now so plenty of time.

I have managed to get to today without knowing who won the sewing bee on Tuesday so Daisy and I have plans to catch up this evening. Rock and Roll Saturday nights people, Rock and Roll.

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