
By anhedgie20112


Mom and Courtney decided to see Les Mis spur of the moment. Jealous but good for them.

They came with me into the city. Today the chamber reading group played win the Harmony Program. My Standpartner was a twelve year old names Chris. Afterwards, he said he had a lot of fun and that made me so happy. This opportunity in NYYS made me feel wonderful. The kids were cute.

Rehearsal. Jason played the barber. He's so good. I kinda want to learn the first movement. JD got frustrated. I hope we practice and improve.

It was another beautiful day outside.

I think I worked out my fitting weeks of fun into a few days.

Came home and watched Game of Thrones. BYE Joffrey.

Talked to Dan on the phone for almost an hour. I like him a lot.

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