Mr Tickle

Blinking heck what a day.

Up early and into the garden to start removing the rubbish from the bonfire place. I raked it all over several times removing more and more metal and glass. Eventually I got it to the point where I could start rotavating it. Which I then spent the next 6 hours or so doing. Apart from taking Alfie to Cricket then picking him up and going to get Bertie from his stylist ;) I have to say when we went I thought it was the wrong dog! You can see the result on H's Blip over here. He is not very happy with his new look!

I'd forgotten what an animal the Roatavator is, it dragged me up and down the garden, I'm sure my arms must be longer (thanks for the title idea Lazooligirl) and my back feels like I've been stabbed! Nothing a few gins and a bottle of wine won't sort though.

So I managed to get a load of ground cleared, seeded, rolled and watered. Much more than the 10% Dave!. I also relocated the fire and tested the spot with a minor conflagration;)

Really? You want to go large?? Oh go on then.

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