Easter reading

I ordered this book last month after seeing a documentary on TV about the author. The book arrived today, just in time for Easter reading.

The story is about Krystal Barter, who at the age of 22 years old, found out that she was born with the breast cancer gene, a hereditary curse that had claimed at least 20 members of her family. Unlike her family, Krystal was able to take the BRCA1 genetic test, and discovered the devastating news that she too was carrying the rogue gene. The story follows her journey on how she dealt with the consequences of having this gene.

Farmerboy and his sister have also had quite a few close family members die of cancer, in particular Breast cancer. So a couple of years ago, they both had a blood test which was sent to Melbourne for testing. A month later they saw a Geneticist, in Christchurch, to get the results.

Thankfully they don't carry the gene. However, not having the gene doesn't stop them getting cancer - it just means that his sister does not have to make some immediate decisions on her health, and Farmerboy doesn't have to worry about having passed the gene onto our children.

With rain forecast over the Easter weekend, I'm looking forward to relaxing inside in the warmth, and reading this book.

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