Easter Bunny is coming

I had to go to the fracture clinic at Nelson Hospital today, to get another x-ray of my ankle, and to see the Doctor. While the broken bone is mending well, it hasn't completely healed itself yet, and the Doctor thought it will be another 2 or 3 weeks before it is completely back to normal. At least I don't have to have the moon boot on - in fact I've had that off for a week now, and have been using a tube bandage for support. So that was a great report.

It was a different story for son T though. You may recall that back here T injured himself at the school athletics doing the long jump. Today he had an x-ray of his pelvis, along with an ultra sound of his muscles, ligaments etc. The Radiologist doing the ultra sound was so concerned at what he saw, he went and got senior Radiologist to have a look, who also went and had a look at the x-ray. It turns out that T has chipped some bone of his hip, and torn the muscle of the hip. T may have to see a Sport's Doctor, but in the mean time is seeing a Physiotherapist. Whatever happens, he definitely is not allowed to do any exercise until it heals. Hopefully being young and healthy will assist with the healing process.

With Easter just around the corner, and as I hadn't taken any photo's today, I decided to photograph this lovely wee bunny. I'm sure he'll taste good!

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