
I decided to take a break from my essay this afternoon (1850 words done) and went to Holyrood park with a book and some diet coke.

Now you all know that I have pale skin and ginger hair, so I'm not particularly made for sitting out in the sun. In fact, I've been known to burn after a couple of hours in even the Scottish sun, wearing suntan lotion.

This doesn't particularly bother me, it mostly means that I have to be more careful than most people (a history of burns and blisters has taught me that much). So I'll never be a sun worshipper - I actually do prefer it when it's cooler too. I guess I'm a winter girl rather than a summer one.

I have been known to toy with fake tans in the past. But honestly, who can be bothered? With my colourings I just end up looking ridiculous anyway. So long ago I embraced my pale, white, untannable skin.

But as I was sitting in the park enjoying the 14 degrees today, I noticed that my pale white legs were actually reflecting the sun. This is getting beyond a joke - I won't be surprised if I've blinded a few people in Holyrood today!

PS my legs and feet aren't dirty, those marks are my veins - I forgot to mention that my skin is translucent too

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