Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

This morning Isaac woke just before Amelie and she was still in her own bed! Still can't quite get used to that... I ushered them downstairs to a granny and Papa so I could have a cuppa in bed. They had breakfast and once I was up I started sorting their drawers out to for all their birthday clothes in. Meanwhile Granny and Amelie planted sunflower seeds. They then all went out for a walk and left me to have a shower. When they returned it was time for them to leave so we had to say our goodbyes. After lunch we headed out for another walk, in search of a branch to make our Easter tree with. We ended up having a lovely wander through the fields in the sunshine and found the perfect branch on the way home. I made them crepes for dinner (with the proper savoury crepes I got in the supermarket in France) and Isaac had some leftover dauphinois with his. He wolfed it down but Amelie wasn't a fan, so I bathed him then made her some pasta. She then had a ridiculously long bath and Isaac fell asleep. Once she got out we decorated the Easter tree and I made Chris and Is dinner (crepes too)

Isaac was really making me laugh earlier by running around after Amelie holding onto his tummy! Amelie thought it was hilarious too as she was doing the same. He pretty much walks everywhere now, hardly any crawling at all!

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